Aura Cacia Pure Anise Essential Oil 0.5 oz


Anise oil contains a natural substance that can form white crystals in the oil. If this happens, warm the bottle slightly until the crystals dissolve.


Aura Cacia

3 in stock

SKU: 051381911027 Category: Tags: , ,


Aura Cacia Anise, Essential Oil, 1/2 oz. bottle Ingredients : Pimpinella anisum (anise) seed oil Suggested Uses : Anise oil contains a natural substance that can form white crystals in the oil. If this happens, warm the bottle slightly until the crystals dissolve. Instant Inspiration: Waft open bottle under nose. Joyful Atmosphere: 5 drops anise, 3 drops clary sage, 4 drops lemon in a lamp ring diffuser. Product Info :

Color: Colorless to pale yellow
Viscosity: Mobile liquid, solidifying at low temperatures
Top Note: Clean, sweet
Middle Note: Strong anisic (licorice-like)
Dry Note: Woody-anethole, lightly tenacious
Aromatherapy Actions: Cheering, mildly euphoric, sense enhancing
Safety Data: May be an eye/skin irritant. Avoid during pregnancy.
Regulatory Status: GRAS 182.20

  • Botanical Name: Pimpinella anisum
  • Benefits: Confidence-building, Uplifting

Additional information

Weight 0.5 oz


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