Dr. Schulze’s Intestinal Formula #2


This colon cleansing formula is specifically designed to get out the accumulation of impurities that you have been collecting and storing for years.

Harvest Natural Foods


INTESTINAL MOVEMENT FORMULA: This colon cleansing formula is specifically designed to get out the accumulation of impurities that you have been collecting and storing for years.

STOOL SOFTENER: Intestinal Formula #2 is a strong purifier and powerful intestinal vacuum that will draw out the old fecal matter and mucus from the walls of your colon and out of any diverticula. This unique formula contains the three most powerful and effective absorbers and neutralizers known: Bentonite clay, activated willow charcoal and apple pectin.

ALL NATURAL INGREDIENTS: Comprised from bentonite clay, activated willow charcoal, apple pectin, marshmallow root, psyllium seed and flax seed, this herbal supplement is designed to absorb and cleanse your colon from over 3,000 known impurities.

ORGANIC REMEDY: For the best results, take 1 heaping teaspoon 5 times daily. Please note, this product is a natural bulk and fiber formula and may have a laxative effect. Drink plenty of water with each dose and follow the directions on the bottle carefully.

NON-GMO & GLUTEN-FREE: Organic, wild-harvested and made with the highest quality of herbal ingredients to support a healthy lifestyle, our Intestinal Formula #2 powder is 100% gluten-free and non-GMO. It also contains no soy, sugar, dairy, whey or any artificial ingredients.


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